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Shenzhen Tusincere Park Wayfinding Signage

Shenzhen Tusincere park signage
Intelligent park signage production
Science and technology park
Industrial park

Project Name: Shenzhen Tusincere Park

Time: 2022



Shenzhen Tusincere Park reflects a modern and atmospheric architectural style, with a garden surrounded by plants to enjoy a moment of quiet and peace. Shenzhen XEDI Industrial Park strives to be a Chinese leader and global model in the technology service industry, starting from the smallest detail to create green technology.

2c936873 50d4 4563 832d 46d654ea02bb Accd485c Bc8b 4cb2 9e01 4678093dced3 Ad45b507 9dc3 4aa1 B481 5ae7508d592dC050ed79 028d 4a2f B59f 9938ada40e44 D58465df 2614 4792 9f65 A7b2f366fc78E7218511 F827 4666 8320 58d1b14bbdb9 Eb971421 E2dc 4204 83f1 410f8809f32e0fe98ad3 46aa 4cda 8ae2 4e82200d9cd6 Adf16017 F0b7 4eca 9441 659e94ea1380 B2d29544 C5a4 4c9c Ac18 75834f805274Da5db33d Fa0d 48d2 A068 20b12276fb44

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