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Burger King Retail Signage

Burger King light box
Burger King commercial chain sign
chain business sign
chain store sign
signage guidance system
store advertising sign
blister light box
stand-up sign
doorway illuminated letters
light box illuminated letters

Project Name: Burger King
Time: 2019


Burger King Project – Burger King is headquartered in Miami, United States, now in more than eighty countries and regions around the world, operating more than 13,000 restaurants, the world’s 5th largest fast-food restaurant, in 2021, Burger King comprehensively launched a new brand logo to replace the burger icon with a blue border and red tilted text, which has been used for more than 20 years.

A10bfce7 A6ce 4cab Bad2 041f515c742d9cabc94d 8376 49d0 B3f8 56267c2d40a4844f5d78 A687 4f63 86ce F42941c7a78c 08794ab2 3bbf 42b9 B42c 9b9261e1bdc7 E820ce30 53ed 469a 8437 4e09ab9d0471F676420e 9ccd 4747 9033 35def5ede4e2A8eb294a Bb3e 47cb B39d 66d9f36f35df

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