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Flat Cut Out Letters

Flat Cut Out Letters, or FCOs, are non-illuminated solid letters. The material can be thick acrylic, aluminum, brass or stainless steel. These are firstly routed to letters or shapes, then painted, and attached with a threaded rod a 3M VHB tape for mounting. They are a great addition to illuminated channel letters to add extra info or detail that would not otherwise be possible due to the smaller size and dimensions.

01不锈钢(电镀)侧面 01不锈钢(电镀)正面

Electroplated FCO letters

06红铜拉丝侧面 1 06红铜拉丝正面 1

Brushed Copper

31468f50 57d1 48c8 97ef 6c2a4ba67952 7756dbab A637 4b99 Ac58 Ec2888fe7e45

Stencil Cut Out Letters

8bb1a7e9 92fc 442f 96fb 54d7fefafc8a 8db1b43e 3532 47f2 8de6 E7aa368e0a70

Acrylic Solid Letter

3739c4dd 4c3e 4ed8 9838 8d192ae5efbc 982789b5 E632 45f4 Bfbe 4a2e94233237

Solid Brushed

0bf44a19 961a 4786 Bddf 8fd26fca0676 B2dbbffc Af43 44ef B9a4 9dfd30791440

3d Engraving

6d4302f1 D8a2 4794 B510 5277500051d3 D4f84618 07a4 4c91 A966 306b971e9e23

Aluminum Spray Paint

3ea3ec03 C1db 4d83 B1d5 1046f95948d2 B4b10932 C979 497c 89f9 26c6e7aff26e

Brushed Metal Letters

07d6ea3e 3613 43e8 89fb E5cbef2b0f0d 57a63bdf 6f61 4dae 8efc 46dfadeca505

Mirror Solid Letter

E98f4dac F2f3 4f9d 90e3 017a70b57a97 E578f1aa 5a3d 409e A762 23d68271febf

3d Engraved Arrow

1175f797 92ca 42ef 9441 497a376f6e94 1cfd20d7 116b 4b6e B8fb 4cdadaacbf96

Brass Pattern

03浮雕字2侧面 03浮雕字2正面

Embossed Characters



Flat cut out letters are the best budget-friendly signage options since they do not use electricity to operate.


Flexible Style And Design Options

Flat cut out letters can be cut into any font style or size.


Easy To Install, Maintain And Relocate

Flat cut out letters are easy to install, maintain and relocate.



Flat cut out letters are also brighter in color and more extensive than those with lights, enabling them to be viewed from a greater distance.



Flat cut out letters are the best budget-friendly signage options since they do not use electricity to operate. This makes FCO letters ideal for indoor locations where conservation is vital.


Flexible Style And Design Options

Flat cut out letters deliver flexibility and style, allowing your campaign to adapt to different needs. The choice of colors, fonts, shapes, and sizes means you can create a unique look customized to your brand.


Easy To Install, Maintain And Relocate

Flat cut out letters are easy to install, maintain and relocate. When it comes time to modify the aesthetic of your business or relocate, these versatile buildings may be simply relocated to any location of your facility with no work and no loss of production.



Flat cut out letters offers the ideal flexibility for businesses since no one person must be on-call or available to address emergency calls. Flat cut out letters are also brighter in color and more extensive than those with lights, enabling them to be viewed from a greater distance.


Exhibition hall
Office Building
Shopping mall
Counter exhibition hall
Real Estate
Industrial Park

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