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Faux Neon Sign

Faux neon signs are a new alternative to traditional neon. They are built using low voltage LEDs and depict words, sentences, images, symbols or logos. Faux neon signs are a highly favored and economically viable substitute for actual neon signs. It is a combination of four parts, metal cabinet, leds, engraved Acrylic face and power suppliers.

1faux Neon Sign Faux Neon Sign2

Green Chinese Dargon Style

烤漆霓虹字侧 烤漆霓虹字

Reverse Channel letter Style

发光字霓虹灯条侧面 发光字霓虹灯条正面

Reverse Channel letter Style

发光字2中文仿霓虹侧面 发光字2中文仿霓虹正面

Brand Style

霓虹灯条字1侧 霓虹灯条字1

Single Stroke Faux Neon Sign

T Shaped Neon Light T Shaped Neon Light 1

Clear surface Style

G Imitation Neon Light G Imitation Neon Light 1

'U' Shaped Style

仿霓虹字1侧 仿霓虹字1 (1)

Red Faux Neon Sign


Captivating Visual Appeal

Easy to be seen at a distance even at night.


3D Effects

Have a more realistic, Three-Dimensional shape.


Multiple Colours and Effects

Not only White, Warm White, Red, Blue, and Green but also RGB or RGBW are available for a neon sign.



Cost-Effective and Low Maintenance.


Captivating Visual Appeal

Faux neon signs are easy to be seen at a distance, even from a distance or in low-light conditions making them excellent for use in locations where other signage options are not as effective. The illuminated effect ensures that your business name or message is easily readable, making faux neon letters effective for attracting attention and guiding potential customers to your location.


3D Effects

Faux neon signs more appealing to the eye because they have a more realistic, three-dimensional shape when compared to flat signs. They look modern and sleek and help attract people to your store.


Multiple Colours and Effects

These faux neon letters come in a few basic color options to make your design shine. Choose from basic colors like White, Warm White, Red, Blue, and Green for a lower price neon sign option. When the electrician installs this sign, they can set the desired custom color and it will remain that color. All RGB lighted letters feature upgraded RGB LEDs using RGB 4-wire and signal repeaters for every power supply as needed.

发光字2中文仿霓虹正面 1

Energy Efficient

Faux neon signs are powered with LEDs, are energy efficient and help keep your energy costs for your signage low. Leds require very little maintenance and work for years without any troubles. The materials used in Faux Neon Signs are also resistant to fading, chipping, and corrosion, minimizing the need for repairs or refurbishments. They are also easily recyclable and environment friendly, as they leave less carbon footprint making them an eco-friendly signage option.


Exhibition Hall
Corporate Image Wall
Shopping Mall
Counter Exhibition Hall

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