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Qianhai E-Metro Wayfinding Signs

SZI Qianhai E-Metro signage
Office building building signage and guidance system
Grade A office building intelligent guide signage

Project Name: Qianhai E-Metro

Time: 2022


SZI Qianhai E-Metro is located in the core area of Ma Wan, Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone, with a total floor area of 56,902.8 square meters. As one of the six economic towns in Qianhai, Qianhai E-Metro is currently ranked first in Qianhai in terms of the degree of concentration of digital economy industry, and CosunSign carefully creates each product to provide SZIQ Qianhai Yidu Building with guide signage system services.

F7251116 0ca8 4c00 Aa0c 0e0046305352 6d519618 D5d6 4bc2 943c 736c9ffd8182 85f6b960 981d 4b0a Bc0a 3d96a43731afC24a1a10 7023 4dd6 Badf Ba07972dd2396f94a6e8 F1a5 4f7e Aa50 3e04c5822e78 277607ca D280 432f Ab8d 072fd84df681 D4d528d4 0f0b 4e6d 8675 85b3d10534cf50938d79 Ca7c 4b2d 845c E2504baa3719

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